Good News for Today

In a 5-4 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) sent the case of Idaho and Moyle v. U.S. back to the Ninth Circuit Court in a ruling released today. The case involves a conflict between state law and the Biden Administration’s Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA).
“At the heart of the case is the wild assertion by the Biden Administration that abortion is healthcare. Instead of dismantling that argument and protecting lives, the Court punted,” said Brent Leatherwood, Ethics & Religious Liberty (ERLC) president. 
“We agree with Justices Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch that any perceived conflict here is the result of the federal government’s novel approach to EMTALA. These justices would have moved forward with ruling on the merits of the case––and the Court should have done so,” he said.
If your church is having Vacation Bible School this summer, Melita Thomas wants you to think about your follow up plan. Families are open to hearing from the church their child attended for VBS.
At Baptist Press she writes, “Provide opportunities for families from within your church to build relationships with unchurched families.
Conduct a family movie night, a cookout in a local park, or some other activity for the whole family within two weeks of VBS to give unchurched families an opportunity to reconnect with the church. This year, why not partner with a local minor league ball team to host a Faith Night? Offer discounted tickets in a reserved seating block and encourage VBS families to attend. Plan for a picnic on the grounds or tailgating before the game begins. Encourage families to get to know a family they haven’t met yet.”
Francis Schaeffer’s classic work, “True Spirituality,” explores what spirituality is and how one comes by it. Realizing the real-life disconnect many believers make regarding spirituality has compelled Schaeffer to remind us that true Christian spirituality happens “in the Spirit’s power.”
A Lifeway Bible Study says, “We cannot discipline ourselves into spirituality. We cannot will ourselves into spirituality. Regardless of what might seem the brightest place to search for spirituality, we must look for it where it can be found -- in the Spirit’s power.
In explaining this, Schaeffer stresses “two equal lines of reality.” The seen reality makes itself known daily. The unseen is more subtle, “the world of Christians who have died, who are with Christ now.” True spirituality happens when we live now in accordance with our death and our resurrection with Christ. When we live by faith now, empowered by the Spirit, as if we have already experienced resurrection, then true spirituality will infuse our lives.”

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Good News for Today shares and spotlights the good God is doing in this world. Through the stories of Baptist Press, we’ll introduce you to Christians and churches who are making an impact for the glory of God.