Struggle Session

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On today's episode Shannon and Leslie are joined by Luke and Will of Michael and Us to discuss The Amazing Spider-Man #36, the one where 9/11 happens in the Marvel universe. The issue features, among other things, Dr. Doom crying.

Michael and Us:

Tune: Slow Crush - Glow []

Show Notes

Subscribe at On today's episode Shannon and Leslie are joined by Luke and Will of Michael and Us to discuss The Amazing Spider-Man #36, the one where 9/11 happens in the Marvel universe. The issue features, among other things, Dr. Doom crying. Michael and Us: Tune: Slow Crush - Glow [] ★ Support this podcast ★

What is Struggle Session?

Struggle Session is the world's finest politics and pop culture podcast. Leslie Lee III, Jack Allison wade into the reactionary hellhole of modern America. We talk video games, movies, TV, wrestling, comic books, music, anime, and all of your problematic faves.