Voces por la Salud / Voices for Health, by Roche

The actions and behaviors of citizens can have a significant impact on individual and collective well-being. We talked with Alberto Alemanno, expert in public policy and author of the book "Lobbying for change: Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society", about the role of citizens in transforming health systems.

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The actions and behaviors of citizens can have a significant impact on individual and collective well-being. We talked with Alberto Alemanno, expert in public policy and author of  the book "Lobbying for change: Find Your Voice to Create a Better Society", about the role of citizens in transforming health systems.

Alberto is a lawyer, professor, author and expert in public policy. He graduated from Harvard Law School and the College of Europe and holds a PhD in International Law & Economics from Bocconi University. His research centers on how law can improve people’s lives, through the adoption of power-shifting reforms.

What is Voces por la Salud / Voices for Health, by Roche ?

Sistemas de salud sostenibles, innovación y salud digital, acceso a cuidados de calidad y una cobertura universal de salud.

Estos son algunos de los temas que abordaremos en este espacio de Roche América Latina junto a referentes globales de la salud, la tecnología y las políticas públicas.

El desafío es cómo llevar la promesa de la innovación y el acceso universal a una mejor calidad de vida a todos los ciudadanos del mundo. Es algo que nos concierne a todos.

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