Living a Conscious Life: The Podcast

Chris Alder, Senior Partner at Evolution, has been coaching Executives and their teams for over 12 years now. He grounds his work in Integral Theory and was trained by and is now on the faculty for Integral Coaching Canada, one of the world's leading coaching schools teaching a deeply spiritual and intellectually rigorous approach to human development and growth. He is also a Zen Priest and long-term meditator, and he weaves his spiritual insight and deep presence into his work with his clients.

For more information about Chris Adler and his work, visit:

What is Living a Conscious Life: The Podcast?

Welcome to Living a Conscious Life: The Podcast, where we explore and discuss the importance of finding more peace, wholeness, and freedom in our lives. I’m Don Johnson, your host, an American living in Scotland.

Being conscious means being awake, being present. When we’re present, we can pay attention to what’s happening within us and around us. We can make better choices and be more effective at whatever we’re doing. Living a Conscious Life is about bringing more self-awareness into our lives.

And, for an even deeper dive, check out my new book, "Living a Conscious Life: How to Find Peace, Wholeness, and Freedom in a Chaotic World". It's on sale now and available wherever books or e-books are sold.