((Human Up))™ Podcast

FOMO is captivating... entrancing... gripping... seductive... and effin deadly. Time to overcome this silent killer.

Show Notes

I don't care who you are... you know what FOMO is.  And if you literally haven't heard that term... it comes from "Fear Of Missing Out."  Missing out on what?  Doesn't matter... just the shear terror of missing out, on whatever it may be is plenty to work with.  We all have our versions of it... And you literally cannot say no to it.  It's akin to the power of fight-or-flight, when instinct takes over.  But what you do have control of... is  why you are prone to FOMO to begin with.  And THAT's where there ((Power)) to overcome it is born.  Don't let this cutesy name fool you... FOMO is a silent killer.

What is ((Human Up))™ Podcast?

An honest, passionate endeavor towards a higher form of ((Being)).