Company Interviews

Interview with Gregory Martyr, Executive Chairman of Capital Markets 

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Recording date: 1st July 2024
Capital Metals, a junior mining company focused on mineral sands, is forging ahead with its Eastern Minerals Project in Sri Lanka, despite recent setbacks in securing a strategic partnership. The company's Executive Chairman, Greg Martyr, emphasises that this project stands out as one of the highest-grade undeveloped mineral sands deposits globally, potentially offering significant economic advantages.

The company recently faced a challenge when a planned deal with Sheffield Resources fell through due to market conditions affecting Sheffield's valuation. However, this setback has led Capital Metals to reassess its strategy and focus on demonstrating the project's standalone viability. With $2.8 million USD in cash, the company is well-positioned to advance key development milestones.

A primary focus for Capital Metals is expanding the project's resource base. The current resource estimate, dating from 2016, is based on relatively shallow drilling. The company plans to conduct a new drilling program to depths of 10-14 meters, potentially uncovering significant additional mineralization. Martyr has set an ambitious target of doubling the resource in the short term, which could significantly enhance the project's attractiveness to potential partners or financiers.

Rather than pursuing a large-scale development from the outset, Capital Metals is considering a staged approach. The initial focus would be on producing 550,000 tonnes per year of heavy mineral concentrate, representing the simplest part of the project to implement. This strategy aligns with current market trends and could help manage capital requirements and technical risks.

To fund the initial development phase, Capital Metals is exploring several financing avenues, including vendor finance, offtake financing, and targeted equity raises. The company aims to minimise dilution while securing the necessary funds to advance the project. Martyr believes this combination of financing options could significantly reduce the need for traditional project debt.
Recognising the need for specialised mineral sands expertise, Capital Metals is in discussions with industry professionals to strengthen its operational team. This move aims to bolster investor confidence in the company's ability to execute its development plans effectively.

The mineral sands sector is characterised by a limited number of high-quality development opportunities, potentially enhancing the strategic value of Capital Metals' project. By advancing the project independently, the company aims to strengthen its market position and create optionality for future partnerships or standalone development.

Investors should watch for several key milestones that could serve as catalysts for Capital Metals' valuation, including results from the planned exploration program, appointment of key operational personnel, an updated development plan, permitting progress, and potential offtake or financing agreements.

While the Eastern Minerals Project presents a compelling opportunity, investors should be aware of potential risks, including execution challenges, financing uncertainties, regulatory hurdles in Sri Lanka, market fluctuations, and potential technical issues during development.

In conclusion, Capital Metals offers investors exposure to a high-grade mineral sands project with significant potential for resource expansion and staged development. The company's revised strategy focuses on demonstrating the project's standalone value, which could unlock significant shareholder value if executed successfully. The coming months will be crucial as Capital Metals works to turn its confidence into tangible progress, potentially rewarding investors who recognise the opportunity at this pivotal juncture.

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