Venture Pill

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And now, for this week’s prescription:

On this week’s dose, we host Tyler Amundsen, CEO and Co-Founder of, the AI data analyst that helps businesses make data-driven decisions 10x faster.

Tyler grew up in Kansas City and attended the University of Kansas, where he developed a passion for entrepreneurship and connected with some key mentors that propelled him into his current journey building

He envisioned a world where companies don’t need more than 150 people to drive outsized revenues, a world in which AI doesn’t replace people, but rather empowers them to do more with less.

In the interview, Tyler provides an AI state of the union and elaborates on how he believes his company will position itself amongst an ever evolving and accelerating competitive landscape.

You’ll also hear more about his near term strategy regarding the types of customers Lightbulb will target, and what the future holds for the company.

Stick with us for some great advice to the pilgrims looking to start a company, whether venture-backed or not, and a top notch list of resources and other startups for us to keep in mind.

Such a blast to have one of our dear friends on the pill finally, and we are honored to help share his story and wisdom with you all. Here it is! 


Music Credit: Chapter One by Cole Bauer and Dean Keeton


The views, statements, and opinions,  expressed herein by the hosts and guests are their own, and their appearance on the podcast should not be construed as reflecting the views or implied endorsement of Independent Brokerage Solutions LLC or any of its officers, employees, or agents. The statements made herein should not be considered an investment opinion, advice, or a recommendation regarding securities of any company. This podcast is produced solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a security.

What is Venture Pill?

Your weekly dose of startups and venture capital. Brandon Osian and Sam Gordon prescribe all you'll need to get into the wonderful world of venture. From fundraising news to startup deep dives, you can expect to stay up to date with the most innovative, exciting companies out there.