Chat for God

"When God has become as full of significance as the treasure is for the miser, we have to tell ourselves insistently that he does not exist. We must experience the fact that we love him, even if he does not exist." — Simone Weil

Show Notes

I’m increasingly convinced that Christianity remains simply misunderstood by almost everybody, including so many Christians. The crux of the matter is best summarized as follows. God does not exist. That is why one prays.

So for today’s talk I would like to explain this idea and walk through some of the most compelling thinkers who have said things to this effect.

"When God has become as full of significance as the treasure is for the miser, we have to tell ourselves insistently that he does not exist. We must experience the fact that we love him, even if he does not exist." — Simone Weil

"It is he who, through the operation of the dark night, withdraws himself in order not to be loved like the treasure is by the miser." — Simone Weil

"A method of purification: to pray to God, not only in secret as far as men are concerned, but with the thought that God does not exist." — Simone Weil

"If we love God while thinking that he does not exist, he will manifest his existence." — Simone Weil

"Ein Gott, denn is gibt, gibt es nicht" (A God that exists, does not exist) — Meister Eckhart

"Ipsum esse subsistens" (God is the act of 'to be', subsistence rather than existence) — Thomas Aquinas

What is Chat for God?

Christianity for over-educated cosmopolitans.