Mates and Takes

In what can only be described as comedic genius, the boys are joined by Nexus rangatira Jak Rāta. Delivering on which historic dictators/cult leaders would kill it as youtubers.

Creators & Guests

Liam Dunn
Wish version of Oliver
Oliver Dunn
Discount version of Liam
Jak Rāta
Did he mention he plays rugby? Well he does, and Jak is a massive tyrant with a superiority complex. Hence being Nexus' Editor. 😎
Jordi Fritz
Our resident "diversity hire", Jordan brings all the joy of filmmaking with the reality of just sitting there.
Stien Huizenga
Stien, not known for his luscious locks, is the brains behind the operation. What is the operation? We don't know but he's good at looking busy.

What is Mates and Takes?

Three mates Liam, Oliver and occasionally Cam fight passionately across a variety of categories spanning human history, pop culture and the natural world.