WE Earth Radio: Conversations That Make A Difference with Michael Stone and Guests

Dr. Ervin Laszlo is generally recognized as the founder of systems philosophy and general evolution theory. His work in recent years has centered on the formulation and development of the “Akasha Paradigm,” the new conception of cosmos, life, and consciousness emerging at the forefront of the contemporary sciences. He serves as President of the Club of Budapest, Chairman of the Ervin Laszlo Center for Advanced Study, Chancellor of the Giordano Bruno New-Paradigm University, and Editor of World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research. Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, he has published more than 75 books and over 400 articles. www.laszloinstitute.com

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What is WE Earth Radio: Conversations That Make A Difference with Michael Stone and Guests?

In support of an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just world...