Stop & Talk

Roxana Velásquez is the Maruja Baldwin Executive Director and CEO at the San Diego Museum of Art. Since taking over the role in 2010, Roxana has used passion and commitment to art for all to share, invite, and inspire our region. She chooses beauty and wants each San Diegan to feel pride over the richness of our cultures and the art residing in our communities, museums, and archives.   In this episode of Stop & Talk, Roxana discusses the delicate balance between the past and future in Balboa Park, how art is both a duty and a right of all citizens, and much more.   Hosted by Grant Oliphant   Produced by Crystal Page & Adam Greenfield   Engineered by Adam Greenfield   Recorded in the Voice of San Diego Studio

Show Notes

Roxana Velásquez is the Maruja Baldwin Executive Director and CEO at the San Diego Museum of Art. Since taking over the role in 2010, Roxana has used passion and commitment to art for all to share, invite, and inspire our region. She chooses beauty and wants each San Diegan to feel pride over the richness of our cultures and the art residing in our communities, museums, and archives.   In this episode of Stop & Talk, Roxana discusses the delicate balance between the past and future in Balboa Park, how art is both a duty and a right of all citizens, and much more.   Hosted by Grant Oliphant   Produced by Crystal Page & Adam Greenfield   Engineered by Adam Greenfield   Recorded in the Voice of San Diego Studio

What is Stop & Talk?

Season 2 of “Stop & Talk” has arrived! This season, dive deep into the themes of purpose and opportunity, guided by the insights of leaders in the arts and culture, sports, philanthropy, finance, and innovation fields. Together, we'll celebrate local achievements and envision what's possible in San Diego County. Let's converse and inspire one another.