Just SOLD with Brent MacIntosh

Just SOLD with Brent MacIntosh Trailer Bonus Episode 39 Season 1

The Right Coach Can Make All The Difference

The Right Coach Can Make All The Difference The Right Coach Can Make All The Difference


Bill Renaud from Renaud Coaching & Consulting joins Brent on today's podcast. He is a Career Coach and he is Brent's Coach. He explains how he's taken a solid Real Estate career and turned it in to a career into a growing personal coaching business. Beware.... Bill has tons of positive and infectious enthusiasm! https://renaudcoaching.com

Show Notes

Brent Macintosh joins host Bryn Griffiths and special guests to talk about Real Estate in the Metro Edmonton area.

Website: www.macintoshgroup.ca
Website: https://renaudcoaching.com

What is Just SOLD with Brent MacIntosh?

Brent MacIntosh takes a look at the Metro Edmonton and Sherwood Park Real Estate markets... but also passes along helpful selling/buying hints to those outside of the market too. Our podcasts are not too long, but we pack a lot of valuable information into the short weekly package. Thanks for downloading and listening!