No Clear Answers

EMBRACE THE GRIND! That statement probably spiked your blood pressure - in a very good or a very bad way. Hustle culture is a polarizing topic these days. You either love it or you hate it. In today’s episode, we deconstruct hustle culture and explore the good and the bad. What are the toxic elements of hustle culture to avoid? What are the good and empowering bits to take away and integrate? The end result: an entirely new way to think about hustle culture.

Join executive leadership & career coach Rikki Goldenberg, conscious leadership & executive coach Justin Mulvaney, and licensed clinical psychologist turned creator coach Corey Wilks as we discuss all that and more.

0:00 Cold Open
0:58 Show Intro
1:39 Today’s Topic: The Grind / Hustle Culture
10:01 Opening thoughts on Hustle Culture
14:26 How did we get to the toxic hustle culture that exists today?
36:05 Why do we like hustle culture less as we get older?
51:45 How can we embrace the grind without glorifying it?
1:09:10 Final thoughts on The Grind & Hustle Culture

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Intro Music:

What is No Clear Answers?

No Clear Answers is the anti-guru podcast. Listen along as executive leadership & career coach Rikki Goldenberg, conscious leadership coach Justin Mulvaney, and licensed clinical psychologist turned creator coach Corey Wilks explore the common challenges we all face as creators, leaders, and people. We'll deconstruct common self-help ideas, apply nuance, and provide novel and actionable ideas for you to experiment with.