Prayers and Ponderings

United and Uniting - A Prayer for the United Church  of Christ and the World written and read by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
O Love,
  Form us ever anew
  United and uniting
  Bearing a vision larger
  Than we can imagine.
Form the puzzling
  Predicaments of our day
  Into something precious
  And beautiful and good.
Yes, take all that is scattered
  Embracing every fragment
  And fashion something new
  Beyond what is known
  In a world full of hurt
  Yearning for something more
  That heals, renews, and blesses.
Let no pressure
  Of present predicaments
  Often repeatedly rehearsed
  Be greater than the grace
  You pour out to cleanse.
Ready us for new creations
  Even now beginning to rise
  Through Your connective strength 
  Otherwise thought impossible
  Save for Your unrelenting love.
Yes, persistent One
  Awaken us to the truth
  Of being already joined
  By You for a joy unbelievable
  Except as we entrust our lives
  To You who always holds 
  Everyone and everything
  In a marvelous mystery
  Not of our making 
  Yet urging our consent.
O Love,
  Form and re-form our hearts
  For nothing less than this
  Of Your unifying desire
  To rise ever anew in us
  In some precious proclamation
  Of what You make possible
  When Your people anywhere
  Turn toward each other
  In love, for love, by love
  And say yes again to You, O Love.
Let this be the good news
  Proclaimed through our life 
  Formed by Your uniting
  To be united with others
  For the healing of the world,
  That Your joy may rise
  Everywhere for everyone.


Prayer by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
Intro and Outro Music by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
Music with prayer, Letting Go, by Moments

What is Prayers and Ponderings?

The Heartland Conference Podcast of the United Church of Christ.