Looking Within - A Contemplative Podcast

We are not always good at waiting, are we! It can be annoying to have to wait for things or people, seemingly taking up many moments of our life. But although we don’t like waiting, it is often the most important part of the spiritual journey.

Show Notes

We are not always good at waiting, are we! It can be annoying to have to wait for things or people, seemingly taking up many moments of our life. But although we don’t like waiting, it is often the most important part of the spiritual journey.

What is Looking Within - A Contemplative Podcast?

Looking Within is a podcast to help you quiet your mind, settle your body, and see God’s presence in your everyday life. Julie Stevens leads this program with the hope your time together will help you to feel more grounded, whole, and filled with a growing desire to be a conduit of God’s love and presence to the world around you.