Answers from the Lab

Andrew McKeon, M,B., B.Ch., M.D., provides an overview of Mayo Clinic Laboratories' new paraneoplastic vision loss evaluation — a test that can help direct a cancer diagnosis and guide treatment. He reviews why this test was developed, when it should be ordered, and how the results can affect patient care.

Show Notes

 Could you please provide us with a little background on yourself, sir?
 So Dr. McKeon, can you just give us a brief overview on what this test is?
 And you mentioned the CRMP-5 antibody and recoverin antibody. Are those the only two antibodies involved in this particular evaluation?
 So those two antibodies, are they both tested up front ? And then, if so, are there any reflexes in this evaluation?
 What will the results look like when a physician orders this test? Will they just get a positive or negative, or are there a titer levels that are more significant? Can you help us?
 This testing, like a lot of our autoimmune testing, is going to confirm that diagnosis based on the patient presentation that you described just a few minutes ago. Is that right, sir?
 Do you have any other advice on when physicians should be ordering this test?
 So what testing is currently available on the market? Maybe you can explain that, and how is ours different than what's currently available? 
 And why haven't we, sir?
 I know recoverin is a brand new test for us. Is that also going to be available as a stand-alone where clients can order that? And then maybe, if so, could you elaborate on when that would be appropriate to order by itself?
 Are there any other complementary tests that our audience should know about — maybe separate from autoimmune testing — that help to guide a diagnosis of paraneoplastic retinopathy or cancer-associated retinopathy?
 I think that's really clear. But just to review, is the autoimmune testing ordered before those other tests, at the same time, or after?

 I think a good place to end is how this testing is going to help patient care. Referring back to the struggles in this area with this patient population currently, and then how our test is going to be able to help direct a diagnosis or maybe prognosis and treatment. Can you talk about those things?
 Are there any additional patient presentations that have been found with recoverin?
 So if there are any questions about when to order this test or what to do with the results, they can really reach out to us anytime. Right, Dr. McKeon?

What is Answers from the Lab?

A Mayo Clinic curated podcast sharing Mayo Clinic knowledge and advancements on the state of testing, science, and people who are making it happen behind the scenes.