Disruption Now

Robert Greene is the author of five New York Times best sellers: Greene is known for his books on strategy, power, and seduction. He has written five international bestsellers: The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, the 50th Law and Mastery.

In this episode, we discuss Robert Greene’s latest book The Laws of Human Nature. Robert Greene’s Laws of Human Nature is a guide to decipher human behavior to avoid the pitfalls, toxic situations, destructive patterns and tribal tendencies we consistently fall prey too. If you think our tribal nature is a relic of the past, Greene asks you to look at our nation and the world right now and think again. Think about how social media has pre-amplified the worst aspects of human nature. As Robert Greene tells us there is no point in opting out or ignoring our nature, it's better to be informed and self-aware.
Learn how your attitude is a self-fulfilling prophecy and why Robert Greene finds the stories of 50 Cent and Jay Z more impactful and representative of the American Dream than Donald Trump or George W. Bush.

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A podcast to disrupt common narratives and constructs to empower diverse communities. We provide inspirational content from entrepreneurs and leaders who are disrupting the status quo.