Sparks by Ignium

In this episode Phil Rose talks openly about finding PURPOSE and overcoming his FEARs to swim in cold dark lakes…

Show Notes

In this episode Phil Rose talks openly about finding PURPOSE and overcoming his FEARs to swim in cold dark lakes…

(Some of) The main points for listeners:

·       False Expectations Appearing Real

·       Finding my purpose… my WHY for the podcast

·       Getting in the lake… at 3.9 degrees…

·       Learning to swim 

·       My purpose… challenge… to do it, or not to do it…

·       Out of your Comfort Zone…

·       Sailing with my father… and feeling scared… as a child

·       Feel the Fear and DO it anyway

·       Find your purpose to help you on those dark days

·       The point of the Sparks by Ignium Podcast – what do you want from it?

·       How often ‘should’ I do it?

·       I do it because I enjoy it…

·       Why do you do it?


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Keywords in this episode:
Purpose, scaling Up, Scale, FEAR, Cold Water Swimming, Podcasting

What is Sparks by Ignium?

Conversations with business founders, leaders and experts, examining the changing landscape of leadership, purpose, business growth, Scaling Up, resilience and change with business leaders and owners in mind. We cover a mix of topics designed to ignite (or re-ignite) your spark one conversation at a time.

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