Tight Lipped

Today we're sharing an episode from another podcast we love, Call Your Girlfriend. CYG is a podcast for long-distance besties about feminism, politics, health, pop culture, and friendship. This episode features an interview with author Maya Dusenbery and explores the research behind why medical institutions frequently dismiss and underestimate chronic pain and patients' accounts of their own symptoms.

What is Tight Lipped?

Tight Lipped is a storytelling podcast that makes public what is often thought of as “private pain.” We ask big questions about female chronic pain. We explore how gender, race, sexual orientation and class impact women and non-binary folks' experiences of healthcare and of their own bodies. Our show focuses on conditions that are extremely common (like vestibulodynia, vaginismus and endometriosis), yet carry with them a social stigma and often impact mental health, identity and intimate relationships.