Voices In Recovery Podcast

Voices In Recovery Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 78 Season 1

Wellbriety: Medicine Wheel & The 12 Steps

Wellbriety: Medicine Wheel & The 12 StepsWellbriety: Medicine Wheel & The 12 Steps


I am joined by our group of certified White Bison facilitators that have been running the Medicine Wheel & The 12 Steps since November of last year. Marilyn, Michelle, Darcy, and Heather speak about how this program has impacted their lives and why they think this process is important. Starting in February they will be providing White Bison's, Mending Broken Hearts in the Calgary area. This comprehensive program provides culturally-based healing from grief, loss, and Intergenerational Trauma. We are grateful to share with you.
To find out more about these programs check out White Bison at www.whitebison.org
To show support for Voices In Recovery or to Freedom's Path click HERE
Voices in Recovery is available on iTunes, Google Play, and Podbean
To subscribe or listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts (iTunes) click HERE
To subscribe or listen to the podcast on Google Podcasts click HERE
Music for this show provided by Eli Elliott

Show Notes

I am joined by our group of certified White Bison facilitators that have been running the Medicine Wheel & The 12 Steps since November of last year. Marilyn, Michelle, Darcy, and Heather speak about how this program has impacted their lives and why they think this process is important. Starting in February they will be providing White Bison's, Mending Broken Hearts in the Calgary area. This comprehensive program provides culturally-based healing from grief, loss, and Intergenerational Trauma. We are grateful to share with you.

To find out more about these programs check out White Bison at www.whitebison.org


To show support for Voices In Recovery or to Freedom's Path click HERE

Voices in Recovery is available on iTunes, Google Play, and Podbean

To subscribe or listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts (iTunes) click HERE

To subscribe or listen to the podcast on Google Podcasts click HERE

Music for this show provided by Eli Elliott

What is Voices In Recovery Podcast?

Stories from survivors and warriors living in the world of recovery. We can and do recover in many different ways and these stories are from incredible humans living their second, third, hundredth lives. Tune in for a laugh, a cry, and some information you may not have had yesterday.