Reputation Capital

The founder and CEO of Premier Rapport, Shelley Smith, is a culture curator with an entrepreneurial spirit. Shelley explains why culture matters, what makes a work environment toxic, and the importance of alignment within a companies’ culture. Her knowledge is evident as she shares the various approaches to job seeking and what drives people to quit their jobs so easily in this day and time. Shelley emphasizes that people remain in toxic relationships and work environments because “We tolerate what we find acceptable.” Our conversation is just the beginning.

Show Notes

🖼️ Shelley’s exciting wall art. 00:51
🧐 When a company’s culture and values are not aligned, they experience “rubs and leaks.” 02:54
🌊 A tsunami of resignations due to zero tolerance for feeling undervalued. 04:40
🤔 Do I work to live, or do I live to work? 06:38
😟 Toxic working environments, abusive language, and working relationships. 09:04
🙄 “Suck it up Buttercup” mentality and staying in toxic working environments. 11:10
👧 The excitement of the flea market during her childhood and family values. 14:59
😇 Shelley’s dad was the flea market auctioneer and had a fantastic gift. 17:26
🏢 Playing CEO from an early age: She wanted to be the owner. 20:02
🙌 Positive culture and CEOs grow slowly. 21:18
👉 Culture giddy-up for the day. 23:15
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💡 Screw Harvard, go to Crazy MBA: 

What is Reputation Capital?

We live in the age of reputation. Influencers, gurus, wizards, czars, geeks, mavens, and thought leaders rule the roost. So what about you?

We ask difficult questions of hustlers and heros, founders and failers … those who have done it, are doing it, and will get things done.

Capitalize on your reputation. Step out of the shadows. Shift the earth on its axis. #YOLO.