Python Community News

The Python Software Foundation just had their first quarterly D&I Workgroup Meetup and we have special guest, Calvin Hendryx Parker from Six Feet Up to share why his team put together a virtual conference BEFORE THE PANDEMIC!

Python Community News brings news from the Python beyond the code. Our goal is to make developers more aware of the news and events that shapes the language.

Creators & Guests

Jay Miller
Senior Cloud Advocate and Python Community Advocate
Jon Banafato
Python Developer and Conference Organizer
Calvin Hendryx-Parker
Family, CTO @sixfeetup, #AWS Hero, #Python #Django Developer, Open Source Advocate, @TechFieldDay Delegate

What is Python Community News?

This is a weekly look at the news around and impacting the Python Community. Hear from experienced Conference Organizer Jon Banafato and community organizer and advocate Jay Miller about upcoming events and how the latest in Python news may affect Pythonistas around the globe.