Lindsay Hinger is a veteran, mental health advocate, and the founder of Gifting with Valor. She helps corporations choose meaningful gifts for their clients while sourcing high-quality products from veteran and military spouse-owned businesses. Today, Lindsay shares stories from transitioning to the civil workforce, climbing the career ladder, starting a few businesses, and the failures that she learned the most from. In addition, she emphasizes the importance of recognizing the first signs of mental health issues and explains the inspiration and concept behind her anti-facebook Facebook page. Lindsay’s mission is to support veteran and military-spouse-owned businesses, increase entrepreneurship in the veteran community, and provide resources for veteran suppliers.

Show Notes

😌 Lindsey was a logistics officer for two years: transition for her was easy. 01:28
💬 Changing the jargon: writing a resume without military lingo. 03:04
🔰 Starting all over again is a hard pill to swallow: climbing up on the corporate ladder. 05:06
🤷‍♀️ Tech sergeants are essentially project managers, but that isn’t recognized in the civilian world. 06:05
🤦 PMI Institute registration and their application review. 07:52
🤔 TAP and how not to disqualify yourself as a job applicant. 09:52
🎁 How Lindsay started Gifting With Valor: boxes of joy. 12:21
💡 Lindsay tried to become a successful entrepreneur: the idea behind her business. 14:43
😒 Marketing to the military men is tough: insensitive grabbers vibe is something to avoid. 16:57
📦 Boxes filled with items from veteran entrepreneurs or military spouses: cross-promotion. 20:23
🎀 Corporate gifting borderlines: choosing items with unique awareness. 22:13
☎️ Curating the gift boxes starts with the discovery session. 24:11
🤩 Lindsay’s diagnosis and fight against the stigma of mental health conditions 25:22

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The good, the bad, and the ugly of life after a layoff. Stories from human resource experts and other incredible folks about the successes and the struggles of finding work, keeping work, and paving the path to Prosper.