The Woman Podcast

The Woman Podcast is excited to launch a new teaching series through the Gospel of Luke. Our friends, Rebecca Shatswell, Heather Hoyt & Ellen Hutchinson will be leading us through scripture and helping us better understand how to read God's word on our own.

Show Notes

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the “new covenant”? Explain.
  2. Go to Isaiah 53 and read the entire chapter. Mark the verses that remind you of what you’ve read in Luke 22 & 23 today!
  3. In 22:24-30 Jesus touches on servant leadership. What does he say about it to the disciples?
  4. In Luke 22:42, what does this passage remind you of? (Someone close to Jesus said something very similar before his birth.)
  5. Why did Herod want to see Jesus? (Why was he later disappointed?)
  6. How does Jesus react in the midst of the suffering we see in chapter 23?

On Your Own: 

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
-Luke 22:42 NIV

Remember, it wasn’t too long ago when Jesus’s mother, Mary, was praying a similar thing. She, like Jesus, was scared, anxious, yet still trusting of the Father. Jesus would go on to sacrifice way more than Mary would, and His sacrifice would save even her and the rest of mankind. 

Tonight, think on the freedom you and I walk in today because of Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross. The suffering servant, faithfully fulfilling the scripture-ordained role of the Messiah, truly blameless and full of compassion for those who took his life. It’s humbling isn’t it? Say a prayer of gratitude tonight, thanking Jesus for this sacrifice and the gift of salvation we walk in today! 

What is The Woman Podcast?

The Woman Podcast, streaming from New Life Church of Arkansas, is designed to invite you into conversations that will encourage you, challenge you, and always point you back to Jesus. Thanks for joining us!