Mental Status

Diana and Meg talk about making your way through the systems of mental health, being (or getting) sober as a helping professional, and the importance of building systems of support & mutual aid to make the journey through this work easier.

Show Notes

About Today's Show:

In this week's episode of Mental Status, Meg sits down with Diana Kelly, LCSW to talk about her experiences as a White Latino Sober Army Veteran who works as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Social Work Educator in Indiana. We chat about Diana's experiences with burnout throughout her career, and she explores how her background & identities informed the way she engaged with burnout & eventually found sobriety. Meg and Diana share about their journeys through sobriety as mental health professionals, and discuss how freaking important it is for helpers to get support for themselves when they're struggling.

About Today's Guest:
From Diana: "My name is Diana Kelly (She/her), I am a Cis-Gender White Latino Sober Woman. I am also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Social Work Educator, Army Veteran, Bonus Mom, and Wife and I live in Indianapolis Indiana. 

 I am currently a Lecturer at the IU School of Social Work where I teach Social Work Research, Social Work with Military and Veterans and their families, Advanced Clinical Work (ACT, DBT, Motivational Interviewing) and Clinical Group Work.  Most of my career has been working in the field of substance use disorder recovery with Veterans and those involved with the Justice System. 

I have a passion for group work, and I believe in the curative power of mutual aid when people realize they are not alone in their suffering. I have worked for the Federal Government, non-profits, and now in Academia, and I like many others am trying to figure out how to manage all that comes with being a human, and a helper in the middle of a pandemic without losing myself in the process. 

My interests are trying to start a mutual aid group for new social workers, students, and/or experienced social workers/therapists.  I am also interested in exploring a group for “sober questioning” professionals, or those who just want to talk about their ways of coping with the work that we do in a safe space."

Books Mentioned in this Episode:
Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker

Struggling with substance use? Find a group to connect with online through AA Online or SMART Recovery Online.

Credits, links & other things:

Disclaimer, y'all: This is a podcast meant for education and entertainment purposes only. I'm not your therapist. This podcast doesn't replace therapy or clinical supervision and isn't supposed to replace those things. If you need a therapist or supervisor, please find one. My opinions are my own and don't reflect the opinion(s) of my past/present/future employers.

What is Mental Status?

Fatigued. Anxious. Irritable. Depressed. How are you actually doing?

Welcome to Mental Status, a podcast made for burnt-out therapists looking to reignite their life beyond the chair. Each episode, your host Meg explores the ins, outs, ups and downs of being a professional helper in the modern age, and ways to help the most important person of all—yourself.