Woman Leadership With Janet Quek

Welcome to Woman Leadership show. I'm Janet and in this episode, I will be sharing with you my dream of being an entrepreneur.

- I worked at provision shop since 6 years old when my late father divorced my late mum and I am the only child. I stayed with my grandparents and aunty family at the provision shop. I grew up with the business environment and the provision shop later transformed to Econ minimart. 
When I was in secondary school, during school holidays, my uncle will invite me to stay with him and helped out at his jewellery shop. That’s where I learned more about jewellery and second hand watches. I would helped to set up the shop clean all the glasses and serve customers drinks and chat with them. There were clients who were entrepreneurs and own multiple properties. Some of them were multi millionaires. I saw myself a big gap from them as I come from broken family with no money and status. 

My uncle asked me if I wanted to helped him in his shop when I was of age started working in corporate. He may have conflict so I decided continue my corporate job. I saw myself as an employee if working in the shop though I may learn entrepreneur skills . also , it has been my wish to get out of the family business from provision shop to be independent and be on my won without listening to my relatives . 

After attended on programs which talk about creating passive income some and Robert Kiyosoki book, I knew I cannot be forever in the employee quadrant and have to move to self and business quadrant. I have also heard about how businesses failed and family went bankrupt and so trying to clear debts. All these scared me and I hold on to the thought of having a stable income to provide for my family.  

Due to family situation, I had to continue to have steady income so my hubby can explore his entrepreneurship journey so we have enough to provide for the family, It was not an easy route to take and from my hubby’s journey. I have also learned that one cannot do it alone and need the support of mentors who been there and done that to show the way and in a shortest possible time. 

- I had a friend who will advice me on what I can do at corporate and that helped a lot on how I handled my work and difficult stakeholders but when come to his own, he would not do what he advised me to do and was not able to move forward due to ego and own beliefs that he will not let go no matter what others advise him have know him 15 years and I have seen him not progressing because of ego and pride not wanting to hear my advice about financial management while I applied what he shared with me at corporate and has accelerated my income within 5 years when he worked with me as my consultant in my work. At the same time, I wanted to help him so he has some side income paying his bills and supporting his family. It was win win for both of us. From me, he also started to have other clients who engage his consulting work and he started his journey as a solopreneur for 5 years before he went back to work full time. That also gave me a belief that being entrepreneur is not stable though we have flexibility of time, we can be there for our children but the income is not enough to sustain the expenses and desired lifestyle that I want. 

It did not occurred to me about being an entrepreneur though I wished I could so I can have freedom and family time but question is how? It is only till July 2019 that I have left my previous job at my peak earning 6 figure salary that I decided to move on and think about my next step in life if I want to pursue entrepreneurship. I know it will not be easy journey just like how I started my career in corporate but it has opened up to more possibilities and thinking differently to pursue my dream. 


- Our past experience and stories of others may prevent us from moving forward in our lives. Our background and what we been told may stopped us from doing what is good for us but we never know what doors it will open up to. I believe when the student is ready the teacher will appear. 

- Do not be afraid to try, get support from mentors who can show you the shortcut way to be an entrepreneur. If it does not work, we move on, no hard feelings as everyone appear at the right time for the right reason. Whether they are there to discourage us or to spur us to make the first step, it will be our choice and we bear the consequence of our choice. 

- Do we want to be right and struggle or do we want to be rich and happy? Put aside the ego and pride. I may be successful in my career but I need to learn as a student again to start entrepreneurship journey and is never too late to start. 

I hope that through my sharing, it draws inspiration and personal reflection for you. I believe every woman can be a leader in your own way. I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you tips and ways to realize your full potential as a leader on Woman Leadership. 

What is Woman Leadership With Janet Quek?

This is the Woman Leadership show.

Hi, I'm Janet Quek . For the past 20 years, I have been helping individuals to realise their leadership potential.

In recent years, I have trained, coached and engaged leaders across the Asia Pacific Region to build high-performance teams and improve individual engagement and motivation.

In this podcast, I will share tips and ways to realise your full potential and be a leader in your own way.

Join me on this journey to discover them.