Glitter & Doom

We’re back! Welcome to the second season of Glitter & Doom, where we’ll be exploring artists in isolation.

If you’re on Twitter, you might remember a meme-storm in early March after Roseanne Cash tweeted: “Just a reminder that when Shakespeare was quarantined because of the plague, he wrote King Lear.” With the help of Andrew Dickson, author of The Globe Guide to Shakespeare, we try and figure out if Shakespeare actually *did* write King Lear while under quarantine, and which one of Lear’s daughters was the actual, literal worst.

What is Glitter & Doom?

Glitter & Doom is a podcast built on the idea that the darkest of times yields some of the most evocative works of art. Join MacKenzie Fegan and a featured artist every other Wednesday for an inside look at their latest works and how it responds to today's burning issues, and we get a little lost along the way.