Faith, Finances and F*Bombs

In this episode, we find out which Ballpark serves the best food, Hartley discusses a foundational step for making a deep connection with your soul, and Kevin takes over trivia.

  • Content Fact Check: During Kevin and Hartley‘s discussion of the national debt, Kevin suggests if the information he shares about California is incorrect, the commentary about California would be omitted from this podcast. The conversation is included and not omitted because the state of California is currently ranked 5th, however, a majority of economists are predicting the state will soon be ranked the World's 4th Largest Economy. The difference between the two rankings does not alter the emphasis Kevin presents in the context of the conversation. Here are our sources if you wish to learn more: Bloomberg | Fullerton Observer | California Policy Center | Los Angeles Times | Bull Oak Capital (Blog)
  • Hartley quotes from this article when talking about food at the ballpark: Every Pro Baseball Stadium Ranked by its Food
  • If you seek hard enough, getting in touch with your deepest desire is like peeling an onion.  After removing several layers and often shedding many tears, you can discover your deepest desire. Naming your desire before God and others is a foundational step for being able to arrange your life and experience a transformational spiritual journey.  
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Show Credits:
  • Sounds by Zapsplat 
  • Musical underscores by Zapsplat
  • Additional Sound Effects from Pixabay  
  • Announcer: Dr. K.J. Wright
  • Podcast Theme: Catch It Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay  
  • Disclaimer Theme: Night Bossa by OYStudio from Pixabay  

What is Faith, Finances and F*Bombs?

Manage Your Money, Find your Soul, and Cover Your Ears. A space dedicated to providing life-giving financial and spiritual information via an engaging discussion about mindfulness, intentionality, and offensive topics. Co-hosts Hartley Wright and Kevin Bartolacci hope to help you discover the benefits of enriching your life.