There’s a lot of talk about how to regulate your nervous system when things are changing/not going so well. But there isn’t a big enough conversation of how to regulate your nervous system when life is going really, really well. Inside today’s episode, VW takes you on a journey of the 4 Stages of Momentum through a behind-the-scenes of one of the most life-changing trips to Europe. Filled with story-telling, note-worthy mic drops and a soft landing that will leave you buzzing with new perspective, this isn’t one to miss! ✨💌 We hope you love this episode and found it supportive for your journey into a deeper relationship with God, expand your relationship with money and develop a stronger foundation for your business to thrive. If Holy Yes has impacted you today, make sure to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a beat! And it would mean the world if you rate + reviewed the show. We read every single one and love hearing how these are landing for you! ⚡️Let’s Stay Connected: 📺: https://www.youtube.com/@iamvictoriawashingtonIG: @iamvictoriawashington | @thehouseofwe www.iamvictoriawashington.com | www.thehouseofwe.com

Show Notes

There’s a lot of talk about how to regulate your nervous system when things are changing/not going so well. But there isn’t a big enough conversation of how to regulate your nervous system when life is going really, really well. Inside today’s episode, VW takes you on a journey of the 4 Stages of Momentum through a behind-the-scenes of one of the most life-changing trips to Europe. Filled with story-telling, note-worthy mic drops and a soft landing that will leave you buzzing with new perspective, this isn’t one to miss! 

✨💌 We hope you love this episode and found it supportive for your journey into a deeper relationship with God, expand your relationship with money and develop a stronger foundation for your business to thrive. If Holy Yes has impacted you today, make sure to subscribe to the show so you don’t miss a beat! And it would mean the world if you rate + reviewed the show. We read every single one and love hearing how these are landing for you!

⚡️Let’s Stay Connected: 

📺: https://www.youtube.com/@iamvictoriawashington

IG: @iamvictoriawashington | @thehouseofwe 

www.iamvictoriawashington.com | www.thehouseofwe.com

What is HOLY YES?

Holy Yes Podcast is the home for creative, faith-based entrepreneurs raising a hand to deepen their relationship with God, blaze forward in their wealth identity, and build a legacy of impact.

Hosted by wealth activator, business wizard, creative director, Victoria Washington brings forward The Holy Yes Podcast.

She’s the Founder of The House of Wealth Embodiment®, a global community and brand that has rapidly become the go-to space for entrepreneurs to develop their wealth identity, deepen their relationship with God, and build a financial masterpiece through their business mission.

Victoria’s teachings are a unique tapestry of somatic movement, ministry, business strategy, and creative direction.

Holy Yes Podcast provides a rare and innovative approach to not just listen, but experience each episode. Victoria is yet again pushing the edges of what’s possible in the realm of audio through sensory experiences, spoken word, and visual storytelling.

Prepare for a breakthrough and let’s roll!