Woodside Bible Church Warren

Woodside Bible Church Warren Trailer Bonus Episode 215 Season 1

The Light of Hope - Radiant: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church

The Light of Hope - Radiant: Part 1 - Woodside Bible ChurchThe Light of Hope - Radiant: Part 1 - Woodside Bible Church

In the midst of life's hardships and the rush of the holiday season, where can we find hope amid the dark moments? We are beginning our Advent series, Radiant, unpacking how Christ holds the hope and light we desperately need. Maybe you're feeling hopeless this Christmas season, life has you down, and it feels like nothing will bring you the hope you need. There are two promises entwined in the book of Isaiah chapter 9, that we will look at today. With Jesus, our gloom is overcome with glory and our darkness is overcome with light. We are promised transformation and freedom in Christ when we turn from our sinful ways. The light of Jesus is undeniable, it permeates every part of our lives and has the power to bring us out of depths of gloom. Join us this Christmas season as we jump into a new series. Tune in to the first message, The Light of Hope, and hear how the coming of Christ is the light of hope the world needs. 

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