Kalam Astro

Join us as we unravel the mystery of this rarely discussed topic, highlighting the contributions of Islamic astronomers and exploring the Muslim world's fascination with space exploration and its religious implications.

Space and Islam – Bridging Cosmic Realms Delve into the captivating realm of Space and Islam, uncovering the enigmatic connections and spiritual reflections that intertwine these diverse worlds. Explore the lesser-known facets of this intriguing topic, shedding light on the cosmic mysteries that resonate with Islamic teachings and beliefs.

 Islamic Astronomers – Champions of Cosmic Knowledge Celebrate the legacy of Islamic astronomers as we highlight their invaluable contributions to the field of astronomy. Discover the insights and discoveries of renowned Islamic astronomers throughout history, showcasing their profound impact on shaping our understanding of the cosmos.

Islamic Perspectives on Space Exploration Engage in discussions surrounding Islamic rulings on space exploration, unveiling the Muslim world's deep-rooted fascination with cosmic exploration and the dialogues on its religious legitimacy. Explore the spiritual dimensions and ethical considerations that guide the Muslim community's engagement with the mysteries of the universe.

Special Mention: Eid Al Fitr 2024 in UAE – Total Solar Eclipse Mark your calendars for the upcoming Eid Al Fitr in 2024 in the UAE, where a total solar eclipse on April 8 may influence the sighting of the crescent moon. Delve into the celestial phenomena and astronomical significance of this event, reflecting on the cosmic wonders that coincide with this auspicious occasion.
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What is Kalam Astro?

Alya Al Nuaimi invites you to embark on an intergalactic adventure through the cosmos with Kalam Astro. Stay up to date with the latest global and local astronomy news, including interviews with industry experts, and discover the secrets of the universe with mind-bending theories. Want some helpful tips on stargazing? Alya has got you covered.