Matt Grossmann, Charley Ballard, and Arnold Weinfeld from Michigan State University’s Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (
IPPSR) discuss the latest in Michigan and national politics, policy, and the economy on the State of the State podcast, a monthly round up of policy and research for the state of Michigan.
Peter Berg joins the conversation to talk about the UAW’s recent victory in unionizing a Volkswagen plant in Tennessee and its implications moving forward. Berg is a professor of employment relations and director of the
School of Human Resources and Labor Relations at MSU.
Conversation Highlights:
0:50) – Ballard on the state of the national economy.
4:29) – Ballard on the state of the Michigan economy.
6:31) – Michigan is 39th in per capita personal income in the United States.
9:41) – Grossmann on the latest in politics and how the perception of the health of the economy doesn’t match the perception for many.
12:55) – What impact will the campus protests have on the election?
15:16) – How will Gaza impact younger voters?
17:11) – What factor will the UAW play in domestic politics and this election?
19:09) – What is the diploma divide?
21:20) – What is the impact of the UAW’s recent win at Volkswagen?
23:25) – Will Shawn Fain and the UAW be a political force for President Biden in the election?
25:24) – What are the UAW’s next targets?
27:22) – Do you see the UAW win leading to more unionization in other industries?
29:20) – Is the National Labor Relations Board’s legitimacy being questioned?