The Arnies

This week on the show, we are checking out the new COVID slasher flick, Sick! Listen in to hear our thoughts!

Show Notes

Sick was directed by John Hyams and written by Kevin Williamson and Katelyn Crabb. The film stars Gideon Adlon, Bethlehem Million, Dylan Sprayberry, Marc Menchaca, and Jane Adams.

Due to the pandemic, Parker and her best friend decide to quarantine at the family lake house alone - or so they think.


What is The Arnies?

A podcast by three best friends with nothing better to do! We discuss Movies, TV, Fandom, and everything in between. This a show for anyone. We’re just three friends who decided to turn on a mic for our weekly conversations. We plan to have some laughs, maybe some cries. But mostly just a good time. We hope you’ll listen in!