Behavior Gap Radio

In this episode of Behavior Gap Radio, Carl discusses the concept of "enoughness," reflecting on those rare moments when he feels a deep sense of being and having enough. How often do you experience that feeling of contentment? Carl contrasts these moments with the pervasive fear of financial insecurity that dominates our culture, which often drives us to obsess over tactical financial decisions. Have you ever wondered if true financial peace comes from addressing our internal wiring around scarcity and security? Carl emphasizes that it does, and he explores how practicing awareness and understanding our emotional responses to money can help cultivate a lasting sense of enoughness, beyond just numbers and financial products!

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What is Behavior Gap Radio?

Greetings, Carl here.

This podcast is super simple, it's me wandering through the world noticing things about how to align my use of capital (time and money) with what is actually important to me.
