School Reform News Podcast

The executive president of one of the nation’s largest teachers unions is under fire for the revelation that her eldest son attends a private school. Teachers unions universally oppose school choice programs that include private schools, and in doing so they deny education opportunities to children whose parents cannot afford to pay for them to leave the deteriorating public schools. This is an especially troubling problem in nearly all the nation’s big cities, where the public schools are plagued by poor student achievement, disorderly behavior in classrooms and other facilities, disastrous teaching methods based on ridiculous fads, and politicized curricula. Denisha Allen, a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children and founder of Black Minds Matter, joins School Reform News to discuss this problem.

What is School Reform News Podcast?

The Heartland Institute podcast featuring libertarian and conservative scholars who are working to bring school choice to every family, and break up the monopoly of our failing government-run public education system.