Louisiana Farm Bureau Podcast

Here's a short conversation with Katie Shroeder about her farm life in Northeast Louisiana. She moved to Louisiana to work as an agronomist at a large sweet potato farm, then transitioned to work at a community garden mentoring teenagers. On this mini episode, she explains what she does for fun off away from the garden, as well as how she's enjoyed her move from Michigan to Louisiana.

Show Notes

Join Louisiana Farm Bureau

Katie's story on TWILA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag3HvgMiWBs

What is Louisiana Farm Bureau Podcast?

Louisiana Farm Bureau is constantly working protect and promote Louisiana's farmers, ranchers, and rural residents. This podcast exists to share stories of those farmers with interviews about their farms and issues important to them. Here, we will also share about the work Farm Bureau is doing on their behalf on issues related to public policy from the parish level all the way to the halls of Congress in D.C.