Salina Bookshelf Podcast

I sit down with Dr. Evangeline Parsons Yazzie to talk about "Her Captive, Her Love", book three in her novel series centered around a Navajo family during the Navajo Long Walk

Show Notes

In volume three the legendary story of one Naabeehó family’s resilience during the Long Walk sweeps to the south to the Rio Grande and eastward across the mountains of Mescalero Apache. Dzánibaa’ is taken from her home on Black Mesa, Arizona (Dziłijiin) then rescued by her kind, young Mescalero Apache man. With her captive, her love at her side she sets out on a journey to Fort Sumner with his Mescalero Apache people. This passionate story weaves together the oral histories of the Black Mesa community and the history of the Naabeehó people.

Her Captive, Her Love by Evangeline Parsons Yazzie is available to buy at

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Conversations with authors and illustrators of Salina Bookshelf, Inc. Multicultural Publishing