The Matt Sodnicar Podcast

When a business - from the top down - cares about the community and their work family, you get a great experience like at Talnua.

Show Notes

Adam Gamboa from Talnua Distillery in Arvada takes me through their Star Wars themed cocktails, including the Yoda Soda, Darth Tater, Wookie Crumbles, and why gravy didn't work in a cocktail - this time around.

We go through the history of Single Pot Still Whiskey, and but more importantly, Adam takes me through the leadership in Talnua, and the support for work, family and community - and explains why that magic blends into a wonderful experience for customers and employees.

Be sure to come by starting May 4 2021 to enjoy these great bevvys.

Thanks to Nick Sodnicar at SodFotog for the great distillery pics.
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What is The Matt Sodnicar Podcast?

The Matt Sodnicar Podcast. Founded on the belief that one need not be famous to tell a compelling story. Focused on turning points in business and in life, those moments that will inspire others.

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