Piano Tech Radio Hour

The owner of A440 Pino Services, and a second-time guest at the PTRH, Bill Manore joins us today and gives us a tour of his shop and talks about his business. He is a one-man show and tells us how he manages the different tasks of the business. “Just say yes and figure it out later” has been a mantra that has worked well for him. 

He also shares his process of how to go about acquiring pianos. He says, “I do not do a lot of active looking because, over time, pianos tend to find you”. In that same vein, he shares the importance of building client relationships and how that helps you build your business. 

Most importantly, he shares the importance of saying “no” - there will be a lot of great opportunities, but Bill shares insights about how to pick the right pianos that have some sort of reasonable market value. 

Tune into this lecture to learn all these salient tips from Bill and get an exclusive view of his shop.

Here's a little bit about our guest Bill Monroe:

Bill, William, Monroe is a Registered Piano Technician and PTG member, specializing in rebuilding grand pianos. After graduating from school at Montana State University in Bozeman in wildlife ecology, his career took a detour in the year 1999 when he decided to tune pianos full-time. He is the owner of A440 Piano Services in Belleville, Wisconsin.


Browse more masterclasses and lectures from Piano Tuning Pros here: https://www.pianotechniciansmasterclass.com/

Piano Tech Radio Hour is brought to you by Piano Technicians Master. We provide cutting-edge piano technology instruction from piano industry masters without leaving your home, featuring monthly subscriptions, conventions, single live streaming, and recorded masterclasses. Learn advanced skills:
  • How to tune pianos.
  • How to repair pianos.
  • How to rebuild pianos.
  • How to tune concert pianos for the finest performers in the world.

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Creators & Guests

David Andersen
David Andersen, owner of David Andersen pianos in Los Angeles has been a professional musician, recording artist, and piano technician/consultant for nearly four decades. He has overseen the restoration and maintenance of hundreds of Steinway and Mason & Hamlin pianos during that time. Beginning in 1975 he apprenticed for two and a half years under Jack Cofer in Atlanta, Georgia; during the 1980s he studied at Steinway facilities both in New York and London.
Eathan Janney
Eathan has 20 years of experience as a piano technician. He studied with Dave Miller, the staff piano technician for the Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University, New Jersey. Dave Carpenter, the inventor of the Verituner electronic tuning device, provided mentorship for Eathan in Chicago. Eathan also worked with Ken Eschete and Bill Schwarts, the staff piano technicians at Northwestern University in Chicago. In 2009, he founded Floating Piano Factory of New York, a company that allows piano technicians to move from Apprentice to Craftsman level while offering value pricing to clients as technicians progress toward mastery. In 2017 he founded Piano Technicians Masterclasses, an online project designed to offer cutting-edge instruction from piano industry masters to anyone on the globe with an internet connection.
Bill Monroe

What is Piano Tech Radio Hour?

"Inspiring the Future of the Piano Tech Community"

Each Saturday at 2 pm ET we'll meet via video stream with a special guest.
In continuing support of you as a quarantined piano technician, and in your life beyond, it's another free resource brought to you by Piano Technicians Masterclasses.

For more information visit: http://www.pianotechradio.com