Food Sleuth Radio

Did you know that food is the most important “school supply?” Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn, for her interview with Stephen Ritz, award-winning science teacher and founder of the Green Bronx Machine. Ritz teaches in the poorest school district in the nation but has turned children’s lives around with food and love. He explains how food injustice is racial injustice, and that the cheap and convenient foods readily available in his students’ neighborhood are in reality, costly and deadly. He views children like seeds – full of potential. Ritz describes how his successful model of science education (growing food in the classroom) began and continues to thrive. Ritz, his students and the power of the Green Bronx Machine are featured in the documentary film, Generation Growth:
Related Websites: Americans Who Tell The Truth:
Generation Growth:

What is Food Sleuth Radio?

Dietitian Melinda Hemmelgarn helps listeners “think beyond their plates,” connect the dots between food, health and agriculture, and find food truth.