Kevin Lane's Spill Your Guts

Few mediums can capture the abstract and often contradictory nature of “dream logic” the way film can. Particularly genre film. Anyone familiar with the works of David Lynch knows that well. And to define the dream logic, perhaps Lynch summed it up best when he said “Cinema can say abstract things. It can say things that are difficult to say with words. And sometimes, if I’m lucky, ideas come for those types of things in the middle of the story – things that are difficult to say with words.”
Occasionally, a filmmaker comes along who takes all the preconceptions we have about our beloved genre and flips them on their head. By ditching the safety nets we’re used to – the tropes, the narrative beats, in this case…THE SCORE! – well, all bets are off. We’re now in the hands of someone who wants to show us things we may not understand but if we can be open to it and connect with the film on its terms, the results can be nerve shattering.
Which is exactly what has happened with the film “Skinamarink”. Kevin sat down to watch this movie knowing next to nothing about its premise or style, he just knew that its eerie poster (a child sitting on the floor, his back to us, in a blue tinged dark hallway, the image upside down) and the title which touched upon childhood memories of sing-song that shouldn’t be unsettling but are when placed in this context, had him more than a little intrigued. This isn’t a film you watch. It’s a film you surrender to. The films creator is Kyle Edward Ball.
We highly encourage all our listeners to watch the film (it’s available now on Shudder) before listening to this discussion with Kyle. “Skinamarink” is an experience you want to have with as little knowledge of its machinations as possible. 
Kyle and Kevin explore Kyle’s love of 70’s cinema, both genre and otherwise, why a filmmakers influences may not come from genre filmmakers, the impact having his movie leaked online before its release had on his film and making a movie that is deliberately loaded with contradictions.
Turn of the lights and throw on some public domain 1930’s cartoons and let’s immerse ourselves in the upside-down world of “Skinamarink” with Kyle Edward Ball.
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What is Kevin Lane's Spill Your Guts?

Kevin Lane's Spill Your Guts is a horror culture podcast featuring influential and up-and-coming talent in the genre. You're the fly on the wall to the most wide-ranging and entertaining conversations between horror culture’s recognized titans of terror and genre expert and film director, Kevin Lane.