Navah Podcast

Rule of Life, Ep 7: David and Adam begin to unpack their last few years of learning why practicing Sabbath is the design of God for our lives, moving beyond seeing it as merely “a day off” to an invitation from the Father to sow into and foreshadow the eternal life of rest He has for us.

Show Notes

If you'd like to dig further into books that have inspired our pursuit of Sabbath as a part of our Common Rule, pick anything from this lengthy list: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, and Emotionally Healthy Leader, by Peter Scazzero; The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, by John Mark Comer; Sabbath as Resistance, by Walter Brueggemann; The Sabbath, by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel; and Sabbath, by Wayne Muller.

What is Navah Podcast?

From Navah Church KC, stories and interviews chronicling how God is using 24-7 Prayer Globally to Revive the Church and Re-wire the Culture.