
If you're like me, you're curious about what virtual reality gear and apps to try out. In this week's podcast, I went on location and visited Khora in Copenhagen to try out some of the latest VR offerings and hear what their XR expert Peiman Sichani had to say. As you will hear in the podcast, some of the experiences were quite mind blowing.

Show Notes

We tested out a few different headsets, as well as some of the most interesting apps. So if you're curious about what virtual reality is all about, or just want to hear what we thought of some specific gear and apps, be sure to check out my latest podcast!


Guest: Peiman Sichani (the game we tried) (Microsoft’s metaverse platform)  (Richie's Plank experience) (one of the haptic suits we talked about.) (the other haptic shirt we talked about.)

Also mentioned:

Host: Jesper Bram

Creators & Guests

Jesper Bram
Host of | Innovation Facilitator at Andel | Founder of Online Change Makers | Digital Futurist | Internet OG

What is Metaversecast?

(🇬🇧 English description below).

Er du nysgerrig på internettets fremtid? Vil du vide, hvad web3, blockchain og virtual reality har i vente?

Så er Metaversecast noget for dig! Denne podcast dykker dybt ned i kaninhullet, taler med interessante mennesker og udforsker fremtiden for digital iværksætteri indenfor gaming, blockchain, web3, virtual og augmented reality.

Uanset om du er en teknisk nørd eller bare er fascineret af fremtidens Internet, vil Metaversecast give dig en plads på første række når vi går full on tourist-mode på Web3. Så spænd hørebøfferne på, og tag med på rejsen!

🇬🇧 ENGLISH is for anyone who wants to know more about the future of web3, blockchain and virtual reality. Whether you're a tech geek or just fascinated by digital entrepreneurship in gaming and beyond, this podcast will give your imagination some serious roadmaps as we go full force into Web3 and the Metaverse!