Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

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Brodie answers the following membership questions:

1.) Rest days: I've been religious about rest days for months but I've just been out for a short slow mile to start the day and it reminded me how good a daily run streak can feel with a short slow trot on the days you don't have anything else planned.

How important are full rest days?

2.) Xmas events are starting to interfere with my training schedule. If I am having to cut sessions my sense is I should prioritise a weights session over a run but just looking for some advice on balancing.

3.) I have been told over the years several times by PTs doctors and read it online that tight hips and hip flexors will create a pelvic tilt that pulls on the hamstring and will aggravate PHT or may have even caused PHT. Is this accurate information?

4.) How do you know when to increase your weights in your strength training program? It has been several weeks/months since I have increased any of my weights, but they still feel challenging. After my last flare-up, my baseline never returned to a 0 pain, and hovers between a PL1 or 2 and sometimes sitting for really long periods can be a bit uncomfortable again.

Book a free 20-min physio chat here
Join our community of PHT rehabbers with our PHT Monthly Membership
If you would like to learn more about having Brodie on your rehab team go to www.runsmarter.online 

What is Overcoming Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy?

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy is a horrible condition affecting athletes and non-athletes alike. If you fall victim to the misguided information that is circulating the internet, symptoms can persist for months, sometimes years and start impacting your everyday life.
This podcast is for those looking for clear, evidence-based guidance to overcome Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. Hosted by Brodie Sharpe, an experienced physiotherapist and content creator, this podcast aims to provide you with the clarity & control you desperately need.
Each episode brings you one step closer to finally overcoming your proximal hamstring tendinopathy. With solo episodes by Brodie, success stories from past sufferers and professional interviews from physiotherapists, coaches, researchers and other health professionals so you get world class content.
Tune in from episode #1 to reap the full benefits and let's get your rehabilitation back on track!