The Sleuth

Patrick, an Army Counterintelligence Special Agent, and Lindsey's brother join the Sleuths to talk about the responsibilities of his profession in the army, the coronavirus, and the family business of catching bad guys. And doorknob licking in Japan!

Show Notes

Patrick shares about what his role was and the responsibilities he had while in Afganistan serving as a Counterintelligence Special Agent and what his plans are for the future with the army. 

Lindsey mentioned a case where they used DNA from a rape kit, from a murder victim from the 90s and they took the DNA of the assailant from the rape kit from the 90s and used it today, and they were able to generate a police sketch.
So they, they were able to say, you know, clearly, they can tell you how old the person was when the DNA was taken, and they can tell you their ancestry now. Right. And then they can give you a ballpark of what their hair color or eye color was and provide an actionable police sketch from DNA.

Can the government listen to our smart speakers or listening devices in our homes? The answer may surprise you. We also discussed how Target predicted a teen girl was pregnant before anyone in the family knew with their predictive marketing algorithm. 

Lindsey shares a story about a family member who was in the FBI and how he would tell other family members if they saw him in public and he was not wearing a suit to never talk with him. She also shared a story of how he apprehended some mafia members in a pretty unique situation.

The Sleuths also discuss the Coronavirus and how there was a case documented less a mile from where they record their show. There are ways to help prevent the spread of this virus. Wash your hands' people. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. 

100,000 people have been confirmed to have contracted this new Coronavirus. As of this morning, I'm a little more than two months since the outbreak began in China, Johns Hopkins University, which has been tracking the instances of the viruses, says. A hundred thousand 330 people have been affected, and 80,000 were in the mainland of China.

Listen to the Sleuths and Patrick discuss their thoughts and concerns about the virus spreading in our area.

Also mentioned in this episode:

What is The Sleuth?

The Sleuths are real private investigators here to help you find the truth when you need to know. With sometimes shocking, heartwarming, and hilarious stories from the field, they keep it real. Interviews with experts bring you insights on how people leverage P.I.'s in their lives and businesses. When you need to know, call the sleuths — licensed by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Jamie hosts this entertaining and informative podcast to educate individuals and business owners.