
Join Nate Matherson as he sits down with Brett Pharis for the forty-first episode of the Optimize podcast. Brett Pharis is a content and SEO expert with over 15 years of digital marketing experience across numerous niche consumer comparison websites. Brett is the Co-founder & CEO of Vital Brands, a digital media business focused on the health and wellness industry. Currently, Vital Brands is building GymBird.com, a fitness-focused brand determined to assist folks in taking the next step in their fitness journey. During the episode, Brett and Nate discuss the importance of developing a content strategy focused on your user and how to build content with first-hand user experience. Brett dissects one of his top-performing articles (linked below), demonstrating user value. In this week’s deep dive, Brett shares the importance of building a content strategy correctly from the start, addressing common pitfalls in the content production process while stressing the need for commitment and focus to build the depth required to generate user value. Brett outlines why efficiency is critical for content creation and emphasizes the importance of operational efficiency in content creation processes through streamlining workflows and leveraging automation tools where possible. Rounding out the episode, Brett and Nate cover topics like recovering from algorithm updates, indexing challenges, building multiple teams for various properties at once, and media industry dynamics. Closing the episode is our popular lightning round of questions! For more information, please visit www.positional.com or email us at podcast@positional.com.

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Check-in with Brett on LinkedIn or visit the GymBird Website or Vital Brands Website

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What is Optimize?

Looking to scale an SEO channel and generate more traffic to your website? You are in the right place with the Optimize weekly podcast. Hosted by Nate Matherson, a content marketing and SEO leader, we go in-depth and tactical with an amazing selection of guests ranging from in-house SEO teams, agency folks, and solo practitioners who are crushing in their respective niches. Whether you are building an organic search channel for the first time or a seasoned pro, the Optimize podcast helps you keep up in the ever-changing SEO space. Our episodes are released each week on Wednesdays. For more information visit us at www.positional.com