Friday Prayers

Reports of sirens and gunshots being fired are somewhat commonplace in a newsroom. However, on March 15 2019, NZME journalist Rachel Das knew something was very wrong when her boss made the huge call to tell her to turn around and head back to the office. It was the next day Rachel’s story unfolded as she was tasked with visiting the hospital and speaking to a large number of people who had lost loved ones.

In this episode, Rachel Das talks to Rev Frank Ritchie about her experiences talking with victims and their families.

What is Friday Prayers?

On the afternoon of March 15, 2019 an unthinkable act was perpetrated on the Muslim community of Christchurch New Zealand.

News media professionals played a critical role in covering the events of the day and the on-going conversation that was had in the public sphere.

This series pulls back the curtain on the people on the front-line... the often overlooked first-responders.