Decarb Connect

Nico Girod joins Alex to explore why we’re seeing such growth in voluntary offsets and explores the opportunity and challenges that exist around these products

Show Notes

Nico Girod of Clear Blue Markets talks with Alex about the hot and growing market for voluntary offsets. We explore their roots and factors that are driving their growth, we also talk about the difference between high quality offsets and those that carry more reputational risk.  We look at the questions corporates bring to discussions of offsets, the change participants in the market and look ahead to predictions around volume and type of offsets entering the market. 
If you’re interested to understand the opportunity, or have questions around the risks of offsets, listen in. Find out when peak-offset is likely to occur and use the discussion to flesh out questions and approaches of your own. 
Show Links:  - sign up for their meaty weekly newsletters of activities in regulated and voluntary carbon markets. 

What is Decarb Connect?

Examining the strategies and deployments around decarbonisation in hard to abate sectors, we speak with CEOs, heads of corporate strategy, CTOs, Innovation/R&D, project directors & heads of carbon management from around the world. Hosted by Alex Cameron of the Decarbonization Leaders Network and Decarb Connect & produced by Janno Media.