Toddler Toolkit

What does discipline look like to you?

Does it look harsh and authoritarian or does it look compassionate and positive?

When it comes to parenting our toddlers, we may feel unsure of which direction to go with our discipline, but when we break down the root meaning of the word, we can get a better understanding of how to discipline from an attitude of grace, fellowship, and leadership.

Join Heather as she takes a deeper look at what discipline really means, where the word comes from, and how to guide our children through positive parenting.

Be sure to grab your toolkit and make room for another helpful tool for parenting your toddler with grace and calm!

Sign up for the Transform Aggressive Toddler Behavior Workshop today and gain valuable insights and tools for handling the most challenging of toddler behaviors!


0:00 - Intro
0:06 - Recap of Last Week’s Episode
0:49 - The Origin of the Word “Discipline”
1:23 - The Connotations Surrounding Discipline
1:55 - The Problem with Authoritarian Parenting
2:47 - The Goal of Discipline
3:24 - Transform Aggressive Toddler Behavior and Tantrums Workshop Promo
4:27 - Reframing Discipline
5:21 - Being Mindful of Our Responses
6:25 - Outro


Ready to get your toddler to listen in 2 seconds?

Heather has her M.Ed, and a proud Twin Mama of busy toddlers. You might've tried advice tailored for one child, but that's not our journey, right? With a decade of teaching experience under her belt, she's seen it all – from toddlers to teenagers in the classroom. Now, as a parent to toddlers, she's experiencing the flip side of the coin. She's discovered a toolbox to help parents with everything toddler times two!

Let's unlock the secrets to understanding toddler behavior, preventing meltdowns, and raising intuitive, resilient children who listen in 2 seconds.

What is Toddler Toolkit?

The complete toolkit for understanding toddler behavior, reducing meltdowns and raising skilled resilient self-regulated toddlers that listen in 2 seconds. If you have toddlers that are close in age then this podcast is made for you!