Leverage Addicts

Leverage Addicts Trailer Bonus Episode 111 Season 1

How to BEST Structure Your NZ Mortgage to Pay Off FAST Using Revolving Credit Facility with Blandon

How to BEST Structure Your NZ Mortgage to Pay Off FAST Using Revolving Credit Facility with BlandonHow to BEST Structure Your NZ Mortgage to Pay Off FAST Using Revolving Credit Facility with Blandon

Curious about how to structure a mortgage for faster repayment? Discover how to use Blandon’s Revolving Credit Facility to accelerate your journey to homeownership in New Zealand! In this video, we’ll break down the benefits of structuring your mortgage with a revolving credit facility, offering insights into how it works and tips to maximize its potential. Learn how a strategic mortgage structure can help you pay down debt faster and move closer to financial freedom. Say goodbye to lengthy mortgage payments and hello to a brighter financial future!

Learn more: https://mhq.co.nz/mortgage/how-to-best-structure-your-nz-mortgage-to-pay-off-fast-using-revolving-credit-facility-with-blandon/

Creators & Guests

Blandon Leung
CEO of Mortgagehq

What is Leverage Addicts?

"Old wealth is built by owning more, new wealth is built by owing more."
Welcome to Leverage Addicts, the podcast for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, investors and hustlers who want to maximize their time and capital by using leverage. Join us as we dive into the world of property investing and explore the different journeys of successful investors. We'll dissect real-world deals and strategies, and give you the tools you need to navigate the market and make the most of your investments. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your portfolio to the next level, this is the podcast for you. So, come along and learn how to build new wealth by owing more with us.